Yesterday, I started my little garden. Now understand, I have never grown anything in my life (except for that bean that you sprout in science class with wet brown paper towels in a mason jar). But I dug the shallow trenches, sowed the sunflower seeds and there ya go! Just as I had covered the first set of seeds with a layer of soil, Joshua runs up and leans over the trench and starts yelling "Grow flowers! Grow!" I laughed and tried to explain to him that it doesn't quite work like that and we have to be patient for the flowers to grow. Being the three year old like he is, he shrugged it off and ran off to play with his dogs.
It was so simple, but it stuck with me all last night. I was thinking about it this morning. I can still hear Joshua yelling "Grow flowers! Grow!" so intently at the ground. God reminded me of this tonight. I was sitting here, waiting to head to church, and honestly, feeling a little blue about getting my photography business started and having a steady flow of customers, then God slapped me with it. Plant the seed and watch it grow. It was so simple and something I have been taught all my life. So tonight, I planted my seed. God knows the hopes, dreams, and ambitions that are tied to that seed. Now it is my turn to be patient and wait for the harvest that will come. I can't wait to attest for the miracle that HE has done. I will keep planting my seeds as long as I can to nurture the initial one into what God desires it to be in my life. Until then, I wait patiently and will remain obedient.