Thursday, November 3, 2011

A case of the Novembers...

it is here. It snuck up one me, came in quietly like I would have never even know it was right around the corner...then BAM! It's November. My first response last week was "oh no...its here." Ok, so right of the bat I know you are probably wondering "what in the world is her issue with November?" Well what used to be one of the most exciting months of the year for me has turned into dread. My birthday is in November. Thanksgiving and the official kickoff to the holiday season is in November. It should be great!

November and I have a very long track record....and its not a pleasant one. I guess it goes all the way back to 2001. My grandmother and I were EXTREMELY close. I loved her so much. She passed away suddenly in November that year. Her funeral was the day after Thanksgiving and I was so heartbroken. A week later, my paternal grandfather passed away. So within a week of each other, in the same year, in the same month, I lost two grandparents.

From that point, November took a not-so-welcome turn for me. We moved to a new home on my birthday one year and it was such a huge mistake. I quit my job after a very awkward run in with my boss (who was a dear friend) on my birthday the next year. Thank God that relationship has been mended now ans she is still close to my heart.

Then, in November 2008, I faced another trial that I didn't know if I would ever get through. On November 5,  as I am doing my usual and preparing for our Wednesday night service, my phone rings and I receive the news that my father has been in a hunting accident. That phone call led to a November of sitting outside of an Intensive Care unit in Savannah as my father fought for his life. God saw fit that he should pull through this horrible event, and I am so thankful! Daddy is now as good as new and you would never know he had been through such.

November 2009 passed without much fanfare. Nothing big, just a regular November. We were excited to anticipating Caleb's arrival the next Spring, but that was about it. Then came last November...2010. A November that changed my life forever. I don't want to divulge on all the gory details of that month, but in that time, we moved from youth ministry (on my birthday, may I add) and two weeks later, moved from our home, our job, everything we knew. It was all over and gone in a moment. Those of you that know me and my family know how hard this was for us. November had struck again.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't blame November for every one of these events that have happened. They just so coincidentally fall on the same month. I blame Satan for using these things to try to give me a fear when November approaches. This year though, I am changing my life. I am changing my November! I saw last night on Facebook is posting a day by day account of what they are thankful for during the month. Now normally, I never participate in these things, but I really believe doing this in 2011 will help me gain perspective over my life and all that I have to be joyous about. This month is supposed to be about joy and thankfulness. I am thankful for you November! You have tested me and trialed me and I know I am only stronger because of you! So here's to you November! Let's get this month started right!!!!!

Be Blessed and have a great November!