Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Life begins today!

Today, two dear friends of mine gave birth to their son. He is perfect, adorable, and just such a loved baby already. This child has such an enormous future of opportunity in front of him. One for sure to be filled with more love and happiness that can be imagined. The hard part is realizing that even through all the love and support, there will be bumps in the road that will be hard to cross. There will be moments that the hard realities of life will bombard him. But he has a hope! He will be taught the love and restoring grace of Jesus Christ!

Nine months ago tomorrow, those same two new parents were sitting in my hospital room as we welcomed my second son into the world. As I held him, I thought of the wonderful life he will have....and he is still having today. Caleb is such a happy go lucky baby and I can't wait to see him grow!

I wondered what my mother thought as she held me in her arms for the first time. Did she know the happiness that would be before me? Or all the pain that I would have to endure? The truth is, no. All she could do was teach me the ways of God and to fear and love HIM with all my heart and soul.

So because of that great lesson, I sit here tonight and reflect on my life. The happy moments. The pain of the past few months. The happiness that I am finding once again. The person I am becoming. The faith God is building ever stronger in me. The renewed love that God is giving me for my husband and my children. Wow....this new life that begins is so crazy, yet so wonderful. And no matter what happens in it I can rest assured I have a God holding my hand through it all. How wonderful is that!!!!

All I can say to my friends is love that baby with all your heart and show him for Beckett....hang on baby boy! Its a wild and wonderful life! Have fun, love Jesus!